order our groundbreaking anthology today!

Common Threads is Soul Rep Theatre’s exciting contribution to the cannon of contemporary Black theatre, 20 years in the making! Founded in 1996 by a collective of award-winning actresses, directors, and writers, Soul Rep has produced a comprehensive and enjoyable body of work that include among its many themes: a serio-comedy about Black masculinity, a healing drama about surviving and thriving in the face of breast cancer, a laugh out loud take on alien abduction, uplifting tales about pioneering ancestors, and captivating classic fairytales wondrously remixed.

Each play included in this volume push both buttons and boundaries by challenging standard structural conventions through an array of formats, and you will find works that are suitable for youth and adult audiences alike.

If you are a student looking for the perfect audition side, a theater company looking to produce one-of-a-kind performances, or a reader interested in compelling storytelling, this is a collection that you simply must have!